

國際APPLIED SCHOLASTICS應用教育協會(簡稱APS),成立於1972年,是由一群美籍公私立學院的教育家所成立的非營利性教育機構。


羅恩˙賀伯特(L.RON HUBBARD)所發展出來的APS學習方法,稱為「學習技術」,並且被許多的專家及一般執業者譽為是教育的一項重要突破。



What is Applied Scholastics?

Applied Scholastics International is a non-profit, public benefit corporation which has the purpose of improving education worldwide by providing Mr. Hubbard’s breakthrough study technology to educators, governments, vocational trainers, community groups, parents and students, giving them the learning tools they need to achieve a world free of illiteracy, where individuals know how to learn and can achieve their chosen goals.

Headquartered in St.Louis, Applied Scholastics has affiliated offices in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Commonwealth of Independent States, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, Sweden, Taiwan, the United Kingdom and New Zealand. To date, more than 3 million people have participated in Applied Scholastics programs throughout the world. And Mr. Hubbard’s study technology is used in programs conducted by more than 250 educational organizations in 29 countries on 6 continents.

Mr. Hubbard’s study technology is an advance of gigantic significance in a world of steady educational decline where the field of education has abdicated its role to the extent that today students are not even taught how to learn. Study technology is a vast body of knowledge that not only consistently teaches people to learn how to learn, but delineates previously unknown barriers to effective study.
Formed by a team of educators and teachers, Applied Scholastics today is international in scope, coordinating the many programs throughout the world which utilize the study technology.



